The word Abraxás symbolizes the union between good and evil. According to some scholars, the word abracadabra would come from Abraxas, although there are other explanations.

In fact it is in a magical place where we are. A perfect setting between Lake Averno, Fusaro lake and the sea. It is rich in archaeological evidence dating back to the time of the Greeks who founded the nearby Cuma, the first Greek colony on the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Romans who chose this area as a holiday resort.

In this fascinating open archeological site, there are acropolis and magnificent temples, here ancient peoples chose this place fascinated by its beauty and the fertility of volcanic soil.

To visit the excavations of Cuma, the Aragonese castle, the Vanvitelliana chalet, the archaeological area of Baia, the mirabiliis pool and the natural oases.


